Monday, November 28, 2016

Omaka Camp

On Tuesday the 22nd of November Team East from Loburn School went on camp to Omaka Scout camp. 

When they arrived they were surprised by how big the camp really was. Omaka Scout Camp is a perfect place for a family holiday or a idea place for a wedding or even just for a swim in the river. The camp has hot showers, a big kitchen with lots of facilities, good camping areas and a few huts to sleep in with comfortable beds.

Monday, September 19, 2016

School For Bad Kids

This is the book that I read Is called "SCHOOL FOR BAD KIDS"
 Katie told me to read it because she really enjoyed reading it. School for bad kids is about this boy called Ben who goes to a school for bad kids and the teacher/principle is really mean and evil. She pours freezing cold water on her students every morning and for handing writing they have to write 100 lines. Morris had to write : "If you steal, great pain you'll feel" and Nora had to write: "people who spit end up in the Pit" and Lizzie had to write: "I must not lie, not even in bed" (she had to sleep standing up!) and finally Ben had to write: "People who punch must end up in lunch". While they were writing there lines Miss Sharple screamed, "Do it again, who little thick heads!" She did so much horrible things to her students and she wound to even care if they died of hunger. For there meals the had to eat revolting food like: Fried Lice, Boggies, Rotten Flys, Maggot Mouse, Mouldy Brussel sprouts and pig snouts! 
As you can see Mrs Sharple is a very mean teacher.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Quote I like

Ratios Explain-Everything By Milly & Katie

This Term in Mrs Sutherland's Maths group we have been learning about Ratios. Here is our Explain-Everything about a few things we learnt.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Quote I like

I like this Quote because its about making the best of of everything and making the bad things good.
 Image result for inspirational quotes

My Speech On Peacekeeping

This is my Speech about Peacekeeping I have been working on for the last 5 weeks about my cousin Mathew. I chose this topic because I knew my family would be happy about what I chose - which they were. The video is down below.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Power of Positivity

Step By Step, Guide On How To Be Positive! Follow These Steps Daily And You Will Find Yourself In A Positive And Happy Place That Everyone Loves To Be In!

1. Always Smile.

2. Be Nice to Everyone.                        

3. Laugh So Much That You Annoy the People Who Don't.                                                                      

4. Think The Best Out Of Everything.                                                                                                        

5. Be Grateful For Everything You Get.                                                                                                      

6. Push Out The Bad And Un-Positive Things That Come To Your Mind.

7. Have A Great Attitude Everyday Non-Stop Everyday So That It Becomes A Habit.

8. Give Everyone A Compliment So That The Compliments Come Right Back At You.

9. Always Be A Person Everyone Wants To Be Around.

10. Be Happy!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Project 7

 I didn't get this all finished because I ran out of time.

Today while the year 8’s were away rope climbing, the year 7’s we happily enjoying themselves until Mrs Sutherland told us we had to finish our last few hours doing project 7. What I wanted to do was pick up cabbage tree leaves around the small garden in front of Kereru. for my luck, I got to do that job. Everything was going fine until I hurt my sore ankle again on a rock that I couldn't see because when I picked up a big pile of leaves I couldn't see where my feet were stepping. Then it was time for delicious lunch that I had been craving for. After lunch Katie and I did laminating.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


On Friday went all went into our club rooms, mine was Scrapbooking / Crafts.
When I entered the class I expected card, felts, paper, coloring pencils Etc, but I was wrong, there were Patterned paper, feathers, colorful card, buttons and loads more crafty things. Miss Kennedy showed us a piece of card that was concertina folded with photos stuck on each fold. She had made it when she was 12 with photos of Christmas Day. Hannah and I both got inspired by that and decided to make one of our own. I am making mine with photos of my holiday in Auckland and Hannah is making hers about her horse Goldie and AMP shows.

Hannah and I Cut out lots of pieces of card to stick our photos on, which took us quite a while because it was hard to get the right shape of card and if we cut it a little to small we had to re-cut it out.
                     This is a Concertina fold
After our folding difficulties we tried to figure out a way how to stick / glue them together, but we think we will just use sticky tape. I found that the time flew by really fast so didn’t really get much done. We had to put our projects that weren’t finished in a box with all the others so that our work wouldn’t be wasted / lost.  It was really entertaining watching the younger kids share their cards that they had made for their parents / teachers because they were so confident when they were sharing.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Cross Country

The day everyone had been waiting for had come, it was cross country. We arrived there at 12:00 and sat down in our year groups. Then we listened to Mr Priddy talk about what we were all going to do. First race was the year 1-2 race which was entertaining to watch. Then it was year 3,4,5,6 and then finally 7 girls which was 2.5 k’s, I count run because when I was climbing my Richardson a big rock rolled down into my ankle and bruised it. It felt like I was waiting ages for the year 7’s to come back, but then Katie came in after about 10 minutes which was very fast. I was very proud of Katie because at the end when she came in, she could hardly breathe. I think that Katie deserved to come first because she really pushed herself to her very best. I was also very proud of Hannah for the same reasons as Katie, she really pushed herself. In the end I was very proud of everyone because I know they all pushed them to the limits. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

13 News

Here is Hannah's, Zoe's and my ANZAC presentation about Medical First Aid that we made on iMovie.
We had a few difficulties making this because the iPad kept loosing our videos that we recorded because of the small amount of storage that was left on the iPad.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mt Richardson Walk


On Friday 13th the whole school either went on the bus or went in a car to Mt Richardson. I went on the bus. I sat next to Annabelle on the bus.  When we got there we all got told who the parents were and then everyone got numbered off. I was number 20. Then we started the 6 - 7 hour walk. Most of the way I was coming 9th but it kept changing. I found climbing up mostly easy but some of the steep bits I found kinda hard. I think it took around 3 - 4 hours to get up but I'm not sure. When we had morning tea I went to grasp out my lunch box , but I realised it wasn't in there! I was very annoyed that I forgot to take my lunch box out of the fridge. It was in the fridge because mum had work early so she just wanted to make it last night, even though I do make my lunch, she just wanted to make it. I thought I did take out my lunch box but I didn't. When we were at the top it was very windy and cold, luckily I had warm clothes. Then we sat down a had some lunch, while waiting for some of the last people get to the top. After lunch we had a few photos taken and then got numbered off again. This time I was number 47. After we all were numbered off w e all started heading down. The people who were mostly in front of me were Mrs Hanna, Holly M, Annabelle, Katie, Hannah and then me. Behind me you couldn't really see anyone until about an hour Holly p and Emma caught up. Sometimes I didn't have enough space when going down a steep bit and that was a bit annoying because I have a big bruise on my knee from not having enough space. Also when we were having a break, a big rock went into my ankle and bruised my bone, which really hurt. Once we were at the bottom we had something to eat and then waited in the bus for the last few people to come in.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Length Explain Everything

This is our Explain Everything about Length, Katie and I have become experts in our group learning about the units and studying which unit it best used for different items.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Poler Plunge

On the 1st of April our whole school got out of our freezers our frozen ice that we had been freezing over the last few days, and brought them to school. Then around 10 am, we got our ice cubes and put them in the pool. Not everyone brang ice, but most people did. Then we got in the pool and I could tell on everyone's face that they were very cold. I didn't go swimming because I didn't want to get too cold!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This week Katie and I got Length for our Topic, out of Length, Mass or Capacity. Then we had to go round the school and find 4 things to estimate a measurement of. Then after our measurements we had to measure them as accurate as possible. Our estimates were close.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

About Me

Hi my name Milly,
I like to go swimming, when I'm older I want to be a good
swimmer so I'll practice as much as I can.
Most nights I swim around 100 lengths of my pool at home.
My favourite animals are Dogs, Cats, pandas and horses.
My favourite foods are blueberries and any food that has
potatoes in it, mosty hash browns.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


On Thursday, 4 of February was my first time going to technology. This term the year 7's are doing food. We made a onion dip. We cut up carrots, celery and cucumber and diped them in our yummy dip. At my table is Lucy, Kate N and Kate S.