Tuesday, May 31, 2016


On Friday went all went into our club rooms, mine was Scrapbooking / Crafts.
When I entered the class I expected card, felts, paper, coloring pencils Etc, but I was wrong, there were Patterned paper, feathers, colorful card, buttons and loads more crafty things. Miss Kennedy showed us a piece of card that was concertina folded with photos stuck on each fold. She had made it when she was 12 with photos of Christmas Day. Hannah and I both got inspired by that and decided to make one of our own. I am making mine with photos of my holiday in Auckland and Hannah is making hers about her horse Goldie and AMP shows.

Hannah and I Cut out lots of pieces of card to stick our photos on, which took us quite a while because it was hard to get the right shape of card and if we cut it a little to small we had to re-cut it out.
                     This is a Concertina fold
After our folding difficulties we tried to figure out a way how to stick / glue them together, but we think we will just use sticky tape. I found that the time flew by really fast so didn’t really get much done. We had to put our projects that weren’t finished in a box with all the others so that our work wouldn’t be wasted / lost.  It was really entertaining watching the younger kids share their cards that they had made for their parents / teachers because they were so confident when they were sharing.


  1. Well done Millie, including the image adds to the detail of your post. Your paragraphs are clearly sequenced. It was really nice to read your acknowledgement of the younger students. They will think it is pretty special to be working in the same room as the seniors on the same thing. Think about what you can be doing to support them.
    I look forward to seeing some finished products.

  2. Fantastic job milly you explained everything very well about what you did in clubs, I can't wait to see your scrapbook you made about your holiday in Auckland.
