Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mt Richardson Walk


On Friday 13th the whole school either went on the bus or went in a car to Mt Richardson. I went on the bus. I sat next to Annabelle on the bus.  When we got there we all got told who the parents were and then everyone got numbered off. I was number 20. Then we started the 6 - 7 hour walk. Most of the way I was coming 9th but it kept changing. I found climbing up mostly easy but some of the steep bits I found kinda hard. I think it took around 3 - 4 hours to get up but I'm not sure. When we had morning tea I went to grasp out my lunch box , but I realised it wasn't in there! I was very annoyed that I forgot to take my lunch box out of the fridge. It was in the fridge because mum had work early so she just wanted to make it last night, even though I do make my lunch, she just wanted to make it. I thought I did take out my lunch box but I didn't. When we were at the top it was very windy and cold, luckily I had warm clothes. Then we sat down a had some lunch, while waiting for some of the last people get to the top. After lunch we had a few photos taken and then got numbered off again. This time I was number 47. After we all were numbered off w e all started heading down. The people who were mostly in front of me were Mrs Hanna, Holly M, Annabelle, Katie, Hannah and then me. Behind me you couldn't really see anyone until about an hour Holly p and Emma caught up. Sometimes I didn't have enough space when going down a steep bit and that was a bit annoying because I have a big bruise on my knee from not having enough space. Also when we were having a break, a big rock went into my ankle and bruised my bone, which really hurt. Once we were at the bottom we had something to eat and then waited in the bus for the last few people to come in.


  1. Yeah it was really tight at some points because people didn't give you enough space and then if they fall over then normally the person infront of them went over as well.
