Sunday, May 29, 2016

Cross Country

The day everyone had been waiting for had come, it was cross country. We arrived there at 12:00 and sat down in our year groups. Then we listened to Mr Priddy talk about what we were all going to do. First race was the year 1-2 race which was entertaining to watch. Then it was year 3,4,5,6 and then finally 7 girls which was 2.5 k’s, I count run because when I was climbing my Richardson a big rock rolled down into my ankle and bruised it. It felt like I was waiting ages for the year 7’s to come back, but then Katie came in after about 10 minutes which was very fast. I was very proud of Katie because at the end when she came in, she could hardly breathe. I think that Katie deserved to come first because she really pushed herself to her very best. I was also very proud of Hannah for the same reasons as Katie, she really pushed herself. In the end I was very proud of everyone because I know they all pushed them to the limits. 


  1. Katie did so well, you should be proud of her, I hope she reads your blog.
    Please make sure you are proofreading your work. This piece of writing could be broken into at least 2 paragraphs. I also think that the font on your blog is a little to big.

    1. Yea she has read it I'm pretty sure. I was trying to think of a place to put paragraph but I couldn't figure out a place. I tried to change the font size but when I make it smaller it goes way to small so I think I need to change it on a computer because it doesn't seem to work on a iPad for me
